Búsqueda por tema: World Wide Web.
Mostrando 1-8 de 8 resultados, ordenados por
1. Programming the Web using XML / Ellen Pearlman, Eileen Mullin. 2004

2. Testing applications on the Web : test planning for Internet-based systems / Hung Q. Nguyen. 2001

3. Core Web programming / Marty Hall, Larry Brown. — 2nd ed. 2001

4. Understanding UML : the developer's guide : with a Web-based application in Java / Paul Harmon, Mark Watson. 1998

5. Creating great Web graphics / [by] Laurie McCanna. — 2nd ed. 1997

6. The Java sourcebook / Ed Anuff. 1996

7. Writing Java applets / John Rodley. 1996

8. Black art of Java game programming / Joel Fan, Eric Ries, Calin Tenitchi. 1996

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